How to Include Financing in Your Brand
Joining the Matt Chatts crew to discuss branding is Crystal Williams of Lemon Seed Marketing and Rene Lucas of LCS Heating & Cooling. The two, along with hosts Matthew Bratsis and Donna Decoster, discussed how cutomers engaged with your brand as a contracting business owner, and what you can do to get out ahead of when the customer journey begins.
Bratsis opened the conversation by asking how contractors can use their company's branding and marketing to feel more comfortable using financing to buy their products.
"If I'm willing to do 0% financing for 60 months, if I'm willing to pay that as the contractor, then I dang sure am gonna promote that that's what I'm doing," said Williams. "And that's also how they choose to pay."
Williams went on to explain that often times, HVAC contractors can forget that their customer doesn't interact with the HVAC industry as much as the contractor does. And so for a potential customer, they may not understand at first why getting a system with financing is so beneficial to them.
Lucas explained that in her company, they tie in financing through their overall branding called 'the LCS way.' "People are in control of every step of the process," said Lucas. "And that's also how they choose to pay."
Williams went on to explain that not every contractor places profit as their single most important goal. Instead, while of course they are still working to drive a profit, many contracting companies also want to make sure they are able to help people in need of air conditioning, especially contracting companies in hotter areas.
"Not that you want to say 'we're the cheapest guy around,' but a lot of people will say 'we wanna know that we are where everyone can come to, we have a solution for everyone," said Williams.
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