Matt Chatts 'After the Show' | Offering Financing at No Additional Cost to You
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Matt Chatts "After the Show" Q&A
Author: Thomas Christian | Digital Marketing Coordinator at EGIA & OPTIMUS | July 23rd, 2024

Matt Chatts 'After the Show' | Offering Financing at No Additional Cost to You

After the latest Matt Chatts live episode, they answered some questions from the audience on the challenges contractors face about offering financing at no additional cost.

After the show, one contractor asked:

What if I have no budget to offer financing?

VP of OPTIMUS Finance Matthew Bratsis began by explaining that when contractors are enrolling in financing, they shouldn't need to set aside any part of their budget.

"There shouldn't be any budget," explained Bratsis, who went on to explain that there is no cost to becoming an OPTIMUS dealer, but that often times cutomers falsely believe that they must enroll in EGIA's Contractor University to gain access to OPTIMUS Financing, which is also under EGIA.

"People sometimes tie in that 'I have to be an EGIA member and make a monthly payment.' That is not the case!," said an exasperated Bratsis. "As far as OPTIMUS is concerned, you can become an OPTIMUS dealer at no cost."

However, there is an element of financing that could cost business owners part of their budget, but only if they not following contractor training on how to implement financing into your business, which is provided by OPTIMUS.

"We're going to teach you how to bundle in those dealer fees into the cost of your services, so that you're not absorbing any additional cost, but you're increasing your sales," said Bratsis.

'Matt Chatts' is a contractors' best resource for staying informed in the world of contractor financing. All contractors are invited to join Matthew Bratsis, Donna Decoster and their guests to interact and ask questions about the often confusing world of financing in the pursuit of better customer payment solutions.

Watch the full episode of Matt Chatts "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade — And Brand It!" by clicking here. Or, register today for the next Matt Chatts episode here or sign up to have them delivered directly to your inbox.