Matt Chatts Ep 7: Five Ways to Improve Your Website Ranking
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Matt Chatts
Author: CJ Todd, Marketing Manager at EGIA & OPTIMUS | June 29th, 2022

Matt Chatts Ep 7: Five Ways to Improve Your Website Ranking

Today's consumers use their devices - computers, cell phones, and tablets - to make their lives easier. The most successful brands have capitalized on this understanding by creating easy-to-use websites that make it easy for their customers to do business with them. But simply creating a website isn't enough, brands need to have a website ranking strategy in place that helps customers discover them online. With 53% of shoppers always doing research online before they buy, are you prioritizing your website ranking to reach these prospective customers?

On episode 7 of Matt Chatts, Jennifer Bagley of CI Web Group, Inc. joins us to discuss how to develop an effective website, along with five ways you can improve your website ranking and how to use SEO best practices to reach more customers online.

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